Ghost Signs across Stockport

Ghost Signs across Stockport

Ghost Signs across Stockport With new techniques and materials being used for signage and adverting, thought it would be good to have an exploration of older sign writing that are still evident around the streets and buildings of Stockport. Firstly, what is Ghost...
14th Anniversary of Aqua Design Group

14th Anniversary of Aqua Design Group

14th Anniversary of Aqua Design Group 2017 marks the 14th year in business for Aqua Design Group. What a journey it’s been so far. In the beginning As with most things makes sense to start from the beginning. Way back in February 2003 I decided to take the leap...
#SBSevent2017 Event Blog

#SBSevent2017 Event Blog

#SBSevent2017 Event Blog Another event has now gone and wanted to tell everyone what happened with the business before and after the event this year. It’s become a tradition to go to fellow #SBS winner @CentenaryLounge and wouldn’t miss the chance to enjoy...
An #SBS Christmas in 2016

An #SBS Christmas in 2016

The festive season started off well for Aqua Design Group when on the last Tuesday of November @TheoPaphitis posted on Twitter using the #sbswinnershour hash tag about how we’ve benefitted from being #SBS winners. Which was a good start to December, as gave the...