Branding, Marketing, Small Business, Social Media
Made In Stockport Awards 2022 #MISA22 was created to showcase artisan and creative industies and businesses across the town. Business of the Year Beautifully BohoCherry Girl’s WardrobeBaskThe Black PomWed 4 Less Outlet Sponsored by Small Business of the Year...
Marketing, Small Business
There has been a lot going on with the town both before, during and after covid-19 made it’s pressence felt in the hospitality industry. I hope this blog will help highlight what’s going on around the town centre. Baker’s Vaults This was the...
Branding, Marketing, Small Business, Social Media
As a small business you sometimes wonder how you can compete with multimedia advertising from businesses far larger that yourself. My advice would be don’t. Utilise the assets you do have, so you can be different from your larger counterparts and be more...
Branding, Marketing, Social Media
Made In Stockport Awards 2022 #MISA22 was created to showcase artisan and creative industies and businesses across the town. Why not nominate your business in one or a few of the categories below. Business of the Year Small Business of the Year Concept of the Year...
Small Business, Social Media
Due to covid-19, it’s been two years since the last winners event took place in Birmingham. When this event was announced in October 2021 I was the nervous excitment that started to set in. I was going to be attending but how will everything work etc. Nerves...
Branding, Marketing, Small Business, Social Media
Made In Stockport Awards 2021 #MISA21 was created to showcase artisan and creative industies and businesses across the town. There was over 5,000 public votes cast and I’m pleased that this competition has highlighted so many creative businesses. Business of the...
Branding, Marketing, Small Business, Social Media
Made In Stockport Awards 2021 #MISA21 was created to showcase artisan and creative industies and businesses across the town. Business of the Year The Produce HallE.P. Muldoon Building Ltd.Edward Mellor Estate AgentsCuthberts Hairdressing, CheshireGorvins Solicitors...
Small Business, Social Media
It’s been 12 months since the first Lockdown was announced in the United Kingdom and wanted to write a reflective blog about what this small business has done on social media. #FollowFriday To support my fellow Theo Paphitis #SBS winners that I usually promote...
Small Business, Social Media
February marks the 18th Anniversary of working for myself as Aqua Design Group. I joined Twitter in 2009 and that’s where the fun begins for the small business. After four and a half months of entering, I won Theo Paphitis #SBS (Small Business Sunday) on the...
Small Business, Social Media
I’ve written a previous blog about the #QueenOf day and #KingOf day Twitter competions, but as it’s been over Eight Years since the competition has started thought I’d update. The competitions started during the Diamond Jubilee celebrations for Queen...
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