#SBSevent2022 event blog

#SBSevent2022 event blog

Due to covid-19, it’s been two years since the last winners event took place in Birmingham. When this event was announced in October 2021 I was the nervous excitment that started to set in. I was going to be attending but how will everything work etc. Nerves...
18th Anniversary Blog

18th Anniversary Blog

February marks the 18th Anniversary of working for myself as Aqua Design Group. I joined Twitter in 2009 and that’s where the fun begins for the small business. After four and a half months of entering, I won Theo Paphitis #SBS (Small Business Sunday) on the...
Small Business Friday

Small Business Friday

Small Business Friday Small Business Friday UK was an idea brought about to be an alternative to Black Friday, specifically aimed at small business that have felt the impact of various lockdowns and covid-19. This will be an annual networking event, so the Friday...
9th Anniversary of Theo Paphitis #SBS win

9th Anniversary of Theo Paphitis #SBS win

9th Anniversary of Theo Paphitis #SBS win I won Theo Paphitis #SBS (Small Business Sunday) a year and a week after the competiton was first started by Mr P after his kitchen table eureka moment in 2010, at the time I was finding my feet on social media and stumbled...