Supporting small business!

Supporting small business!

Supporting small business! For the past few years Aqua Design Group have helped other small businesses with their branding, design and print material along with supporting on social media through my varied networking activity and now I want to make it official as a...
Ghost Signs across Stockport

Ghost Signs across Stockport

Ghost Signs across Stockport With new techniques and materials being used for signage and adverting, thought it would be good to have an exploration of older sign writing that are still evident around the streets and buildings of Stockport. Firstly, what is Ghost...
Don’t put the shutters down on the High Street

Don’t put the shutters down on the High Street

One major problem with the High Street is that on certain days it seems like a lifeless place! One idea that a few businesses in Stockport have done is to paint their security shutters with a design that depicts their business, so even when they’re closed they...